PowerBar Ironman 70.3 Switzerland (part 1)

It was spring! The prognosticator of prognosticators had announced it! Punxsutawney Phil, on February 2nd, during a ceremony that began well before the winter sunrise, emerged from his temporary home on Gobbler’s Knob unable to see his shadow, thus predicting an early Spring for the northern hemisphere.

Rat Mystic

Thrilled about Phil’s prediction and relieved that the brutal Utah winter would soon abate into sun drenched mornings with General Foods International Coffees, I began fantasizing about the escape from dark sweaty spin classes, the doldrums of  indoor training, and trading them in for vigorous runs in the foothills and brisk canyon rides before work.


BUT FUCK YOU PHIL! As it turns out, since 1887, of your 115 predictions on record so far, you have predicted an early spring only 15 times (13%).  And as to your accuracy, according to the StormFax Weather Almanac and records kept since 1887, your predictions have been correct 39% of the time you rat fuck! This is a race year for Christ sake!

Unknowingly, like Vladimir and Estragon waiting for Godot,  I woke up every weekday morning for the remaining weeks of February…and March thinking the sun would shine and the snow would melt.

then April came…

then May…

But I “made-do” Phil. I ran and cycled in the rain and snow until I thought my preparation for Switzerland was pretty good. I battled some serious bouts of  Seasonal Affect Disorder (SAD) and the occasional case of the fuck-its until finally, towards the end of May, the winter had cleared, and my fitness level increased with morning bike commutes up Parley’s to the office, runs ranging from 3-8 miles at Salt Lake elevation and Park City elevation (frequently both in the same day), and one day in the pool. Yes, one swim day. I’ve never given the swimming event the time it needs.

Posted on June 15, 2011, in Events / Races. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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